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Config Senac no BlockchainRio Festival

15 Members
7 Goals
0 Matches
0 Interactions
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Config Innovation Brazil

5 Members
3 Goals
0 Matches
0 Interactions
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Config Holistic Brasil

6 Members
6 Goals
0 Matches
0 Interactions
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Config Circuito Ecommerce

3 Members
0 Goals
0 Matches
0 Interactions
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Config Speed Dating Brasil

3 Members
0 Goals
0 Matches
0 Interactions
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Config A Tenda

2 Members
0 Goals
0 Matches
0 Interactions
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Config GOV Tech Brasil

7 Members
0 Goals
0 Matches
0 Interactions
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Config Artificial Intelligence

20 Members
6 Goals
0 Matches
0 Interactions
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Config Music Business Brasil

6 Members
1 Goals
0 Matches
0 Interactions
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Config Vivo

2 Members
0 Goals
0 Matches
0 Interactions
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Config Lawtech

2 Members
0 Goals
0 Matches
0 Interactions
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Config Investors & Founders

15 Members
5 Goals
0 Matches
0 Interactions
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Config Rock in Rio

6 Members
0 Goals
0 Matches
0 Interactions
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Config Jobs. Find & Hire.

18 Members
3 Goals
0 Matches
0 Interactions
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Config M&A Mergers and Acquisitions

3 Members
1 Goals
0 Matches
0 Interactions
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Config CASE 2023

0 Members
0 Goals
0 Matches
0 Interactions
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Config ABStartups

11 Members
1 Goals
1 Matches
0 Interactions
Netwoo Free
Leonardo Sousa de Freitas
Networking with policy makers for startups
Barbara Furiati
Public policies for tech
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Config Ethereum Brasil

13 Members
0 Goals
0 Matches
0 Interactions
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Config Ethereum São Paulo

13 Members
1 Goals
0 Matches
0 Interactions
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Config OpenAI

0 Members
0 Goals
0 Matches
0 Interactions
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Config Grupo Primo

0 Members
0 Goals
0 Matches
0 Interactions
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Config Find co-founder

14 Members
3 Goals
0 Matches
0 Interactions
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Config Brazil Conference

0 Members
0 Goals
0 Matches
0 Interactions
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Config CUBO

15 Members
1 Goals
0 Matches
0 Interactions
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Config Invest.Rio

0 Members
0 Goals
0 Matches
0 Interactions
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Config Hashtown

5 Members
1 Goals
0 Matches
0 Interactions
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Config Inovabra Habitat

13 Members
2 Goals
0 Matches
0 Interactions
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Config deScier

9 Members
2 Goals
0 Matches
0 Interactions
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Config Ethereum Rio

203 Members
123 Goals
81 Matches
2 Interactions
Member request
Roberto Alberieri
Fabio Seixas
Talk to open-source developers about a idea to fund open-source software
Member request
Tiago Leandro
Roberto Alberieri
Desejo me conectar ao ecossitema blockchain e conhecer pessoas com projetos web3.
Netwoo Free
Adriel Pedroza
Networking with entrepreneurs who are creating a startup
Matheus Balbi Gonçalves
Conseguir me conectar com líderes e criadores de startups e conseguir clientes
Netwoo Free
Vincent Neumann
I want to meet investors and industry leaders who are eager to connect with Swiss startups
Marcelo Carvalho
Olá! Trabalho na monashees, fundo de VC early stage. Se quiser batermos papo, só me dar um ping! Abs
Netwoo Free
Gabriel Duche
Tiago Leandro
Netwoo Free
Tainah Colombo Gomes
Tiago Leandro
Netwoo Free
Alline Jajah
Find a marketing job in Energy or ESG área
Ricardo Moraes
Netwoo Free
Eduardo Torres
Influencer for media partnership, tokens projects for listing in our exchange, and marketing agencies to adversity with
Leonardo Oliveira
Somos a Allga uma agência de especialistas em marketing de influência que se concentra em trabalhar com influenciadores da web3. Pois, são os pioneiros que estão moldando o futuro do marketing digital. Nosso objetivo é ajudar marcas a se conectarem com esses creators e a aproveitarem ao máximo as oportunidades oferecidas pela web3. Nós oferecemos soluções criativas e personalizadas para todos os tipos de projetos.
Netwoo Free
Eduardo Torres
Influencer for media partnership, tokens projects for listing in our exchange, and marketing agencies to adversity with
Erick Guimarães
Somos uma agência e aceleradora de influencers do mercado cripto. A Allga se estabelece como a primeira agência de influencers totalmente focada em Web3 do Brasil. Nosso objetivo é ajudar marcas a se conectarem com os creators e garantir o sucesso da sua campanha. allga.xyz
Netwoo Free
Eduardo Torres
Represent poloniex exchange. Looking for partnerships and companies to list at the exchange
Orlando Souza
Netwoo Free
Humberto Andrade
Eu disponibilizo produtos de infraestrutura para o mercado web3. Liquidez, custódia, soluções white label e etc.
Felipe Brasileiro
Conhecer empresas que querem construir infraestrutura em cripto juntos
Netwoo Free
Galão Crypto (João Venâncio)
Educador e criador de conteúdos Web 3, fundador da Canp Capital e builder em projetos de ReFi na região do Vale do Ribeirra, liderando eventos presenciais e online organizados pelo Sabrae, meu objetivo nesse evento é fazer parcerias em tokenizacão, atrair investidores e builders para projetos ReFi.
Pedro Parrachia
Netwoo Free
Galão Crypto (João Venâncio)
Educador e criador de conteúdos Web 3, fundador da Canp Capital e builder em projetos de ReFi na região do Vale do Ribeirra, liderando eventos presenciais e online organizados pelo Sabrae, meu objetivo nesse evento é fazer parcerias em tokenizacão, atrair investidores e builders para projetos ReFi.
Pedro Teixeira
Netwoo Free
Anderson Fae
I’m fullstack developer looking an opportunity to network and job 😉
Lawrence Papale
Looking to hire UX designers, engineers & community managers for our first DApp “Emerald City” ; a pixel art collection stored on chain with royalty rights to rewards from a global validator node farm.
Netwoo Free
Lawrence Papale
Looking to hire UX designers, engineers & community managers for our first DApp “Emerald City” ; a pixel art collection stored on chain with royalty rights to rewards from a global validator node farm.
Diego Camino
Fullstack dev with 6+ years of experience looking for a job on a web3 company.
Netwoo Free
Lawrence Papale
Looking to hire UX designers, engineers & community managers for our first DApp “Emerald City” ; a pixel art collection stored on chain with royalty rights to rewards from a global validator node farm.
Victoria García
Networking & Learning more about communities Web3 ~ work as Community Mgmt. | People & Culture Coach within these ecosystems.
Netwoo Free
Lawrence Papale
Looking to hire UX designers, engineers & community managers for our first DApp “Emerald City” ; a pixel art collection stored on chain with royalty rights to rewards from a global validator node farm.
Kevin Voigt
Running a development and design studio that can accelerate your web3 project
Netwoo Free
Lawrence Papale
Looking to hire UX designers, engineers & community managers for our first DApp “Emerald City” ; a pixel art collection stored on chain with royalty rights to rewards from a global validator node farm.
Laura Fahed
I am migrating to Ux/Ui design, I am looking for connections and maybe a job offer!
Netwoo Free
Lawrence Papale
Looking to hire UX designers, engineers & community managers for our first DApp “Emerald City” ; a pixel art collection stored on chain with royalty rights to rewards from a global validator node farm.
Matheus Domingos
Sou BisDev da Notus Labs, uma software house & design studio focada em web3. Procuro fazer conexões com projetos que possuem essa necessidade desse tipo de serviço.
Netwoo Free
Junior Ribeiro
Desenvolvedores web3 e clientes B2B para pagamento com cripto.
Victor Garcia
I'm Blockchain Developer, and I'm searching for opportunities and partnerships
Netwoo Free
Bruno Campos
Sou sócio do Surfguru, o site de surf mais acessado do Brasil e estou em busca de aprender mais e conhecer pessoas novas.
Mari Salles
Netwoo Free
Diego Camino
Junior Ribeiro
Desenvolvedores web3 e clientes B2B para pagamento com cripto.
Netwoo Free
Guilherme Carames
Tiago Leandro
Netwoo Free
Eduardo Carvalho
Tiago Leandro
Netwoo Free
Nilo Jr
Adam Newman
Conectar com blockchains, empresas de AI e fundações interessados em investir e colaborar no aplicar novas tecnologias para gerar impacto escalável, transparente e mensurável dentro das favelas.
Netwoo Free
Nilo Jr
Sou co-founder do Web3 Favela, uma plataforma de ensino e capacitação de jovens de periferia para o mercado de trabalho de tecnologia e web3. Busco conexões para ampliarmos nossa atuação, investidores para serem parceiros e conexões
Tamara Duarte
Netwoo Free
Theera Peña
Fazer networking e conhecer o ecossistema de blockchain do RJ
Cristiane Lopes
Netwoo Free
Theera Peña
Estou lançando um ecommerce de drop e busco mentorias e parceiros
Tiago Leandro
Netwoo Free
Eduardo Torres
Tiago Leandro
Netwoo Free
Leony De Oliveira
Trade procurando por parcerias na área ou blockchain games
Helo Passos
Netwoo Free
Tiago Leandro
Helo Passos
Netwoo Free
Tiago Leandro
Marcelo Carvalho
Olá! Trabalho na monashees, fundo de VC early stage. Se quiser batermos papo, só me dar um ping! Abs
Netwoo Free
Galão Crypto (João Venâncio)
Fabio Catalão
Netwoo Free
Leonardo Oliveira
Larissa Barros
Netwoo Free
Erick Guimarães
Somos uma agência e aceleradora de influencers do mercado cripto. A Allga se estabelece como a primeira agência de influencers totalmente focada em Web3 do Brasil. Nosso objetivo é ajudar marcas a se conectarem com os creators e garantir o sucesso da sua campanha. allga.xyz
Larissa Barros
Netwoo Free
Rodrigo Serviuc Pavezi
I am Blockchain Lead working at Flock.io where we are building the first On-Chain Private Neural Processor. I am at ethereum.rio looking for connecting with people working on DeSci and to learn more other blockchain projects. Let's connect!!
Meet new protocols
Netwoo Free
Rodrigo Serviuc Pavezi
I am Blockchain Lead working at Flock.io where we are building the first On-Chain Private Neural Processor. I am at ethereum.rio looking for connecting with people working on DeSci and to learn more other blockchain projects. Let's connect!!
Maria Goreti Freitas
Netwoo Free
Joao Criptonita.eth
Tiago Leandro
Netwoo Free
Bruno Moniz
Buscando conversas sobre Real Digital e tecnologia blockchain. Também buscando companhia pra escalar ?‍♂️
Mariana Braoio
eu trabalho com Product Manager Marketing na Parfin e eu estou interessa em criar um grupo para conversarmos sobre o real digital.
Netwoo Free
Tiago Leandro
Cristiane Lopes
Netwoo Free
Viviana Maria Schwengber
Tiago Leandro
Netwoo Free
Daniel Cukier
Tiago Leandro
Netwoo Free
Ana Rodrigues
Sou CDO em FURNAS e gostaria de me conectar com interessados em IA, Web 3, Blockchain
Tiago Leandro
Netwoo Free
Rafael Castaneda
Tiago Leandro
Netwoo Free
Leony De Oliveira
Trade procurando por parcerias na área ou blockchain games
Diego Alcantara
Sou embaixador na Flow Blockchain, quero me conectar com pessoas que tenham interesse em receber investimento em projetos web3.
Netwoo Free
Larissa Barros
A procura de Co-fundadores técnicos para um projeto ligado a eventos e web3
Netwoo Free
Larissa Barros
A procura de Co-fundadores técnicos para um projeto ligado a eventos e web3
Ramiro Coitiño
Netwoo Free
Larissa Barros
A procura de Co-fundadores técnicos para um projeto ligado a eventos e web3
Anderson Fae
I’m fullstack developer looking an opportunity to network and job 😉
Netwoo Free
Juan Pablo Schele
Connect with people that are building defi on ethereum and evm related networks.
Lorenzo Cesconetto
I am building definit.xyz the simplest way to integrate DeFi into any application. Let’s connect
Netwoo Free
Juan Pablo Schele
Connect with people that are building defi on ethereum and evm related networks.
TC Luis
DeFi for all
Netwoo Free
Vinicius Tenente
Construindo o próximo grande jogo de Fantasy Football on-chain. Procurando por investidores.
Pedro Teixeira
Netwoo Free
Eduardo Torres
Representing Poloniex exchange. Looking for influencers, investors and project owners.
Looking to invest in great crypto projects
Netwoo Free
Lorenzo Cesconetto
I am building definit.xyz the simplest way to integrate DeFi into any application. Let’s connect
TC Luis
DeFi for all. Window Finance would like to collaborate with those in the space pushing permissionless DeFi forward.
Netwoo Free
Josh Plotkin
Entrepreneur, a procura de uma grande idea. Local no RJ, afim de fazer conexões locais e bater papo sobre IA
Tiago Leandro
Netwoo Free
Adriana David
Lawyer in Brazil and Portugal, active in document searches, acquisitions of Portuguese nationality, visas. Strong performance in StartUP Visa, digital entrepreneurship and internationalization of companies, especially in the areas of digital nomadism, crypto and blockchain.
Fabio Cendão
Auxilio projetos de tecnologia com assessoria jurídica.
Netwoo Free
Yuri Jean
I’m a software engineer working in DeSci and DeSpace
Meet new protocols
Netwoo Free
Juan Ignacio Gutierrez-Sayavedra
Understanding Brazil’s blockchains community necessities and growth path.
Thalles Aguiar
Conhecer pessoas da web3.
Netwoo Free
Max H
Fantasy Sports on chain. BRA Product market fit and VCs advice
Tiago Leandro
Ajudo startups e DAOS com mentoria, programas de aceleração e acesso a capital.
Netwoo Free
Henrique Aragon
Meet social projects
Adam Newman
Netwoo Free
Hector Fardin
BRLA stablecoin, connecting crypto ecosystems
Lucas Giorgio
Stablecoin Maker, interested in partnerships (crypto companies)
Netwoo Free
Tiago Leandro
Giordano Ferreira
Coding | AI | Building together
Netwoo Free
Web3 dev and bizdev from Transfero. Working on talking partnerships related to offer payment gateways (on and off ramping) and liquidity providing with other stablecoins besides our own (BRZ).
Hector Fardin
BRLA stablecoin, connecting crypto ecosystems
Netwoo Free
Henrique Aragon
Meet social projects
Blua aka Blua Discórdia
Buscando Fim do Patriardo pela web3
Netwoo Free
Caio Matos
Networking e aprender mais sobre comunidades web3
Victoria García
Networking & Learning more about communities Web3 ~ work as Community Mgmt. | People & Culture Coach within these ecosystems.
Netwoo Free
Caio Matos
Networking e aprender mais sobre comunidades web3
Thalles Aguiar
Conhecer pessoas da web3.
Netwoo Free
Evaldo Felipe
Conhecer a comunidade BR de blockchain, pois já trabalho a alguns anos na área, mas não tenho contatos aqui.
Thalles Aguiar
Conhecer pessoas da web3.
Netwoo Free
Larissa Barros
A procura de Co-fundadores técnicos para um projeto ligado a eventos e web3
Diego Camino
Fullstack dev with 6+ years of experience looking for a job on a web3 company.
Netwoo Free
Victor Lacôrte
Network, investors
Looking to invest in projects building in latam with the pix payments infrastructure
Netwoo Free
Vitor Ramalho
Make some friends and contribute as a developer.
Larissa Barros
A procura de Co-fundadores técnicos para um projeto ligado a eventos e web3
Netwoo Free
Yuri Jean
I’m a software engineer working in DeSci and DeSpace
Maria Goreti Freitas
Netwoo Free
Best payroll solution for Web3 companies in the global market. bitwage.com
Looking to invest in great crypto projects
Netwoo Free
JG Carvalho
Blockchain development Defi Protocol Smart Contract Security
Larissa Barros
A procura de Co-fundadores técnicos para um projeto ligado a eventos e web3
Netwoo Free
Alexandre Lin
olá! Sou country manager da TruBit no Brasil, somos exchange e wallet e estamos expandindo nossa operação. Interessado em parecerias com comunidades e tokens de projetos brazucas
Hector Fardin
BRLA stablecoin, connecting crypto ecosystems
Netwoo Free
Alexandre Lin
olá! Sou country manager da TruBit no Brasil, somos exchange e wallet e estamos expandindo nossa operação. Interessado em parecerias com comunidades e tokens de projetos brazucas
Victoria García
Networking & Learning more about communities Web3 ~ work as Community Mgmt. | People & Culture Coach within these ecosystems.
Netwoo Free
Victoria García
Networking & Learning more about communities Web3 ~ work as Community Mgmt. | People & Culture Coach within these ecosystems.
Tiago Leandro
Ajudo startups e DAOS com mentoria, programas de aceleração e acesso a capital.
Netwoo Free
Heron Lancellot Lima
I’m university student ( computer ) looking for internship in Web3 Development, studying solidity, react js, javascript
Larissa Barros
A procura de Co-fundadores técnicos para um projeto ligado a eventos e web3
Netwoo Free
Hector Fardin
BRLA stablecoin, connecting crypto ecosystems
Looking to invest in projects building in latam with the pix payments infrastructure
Netwoo Free
Roberto Alberieri
Desejo me conectar ao ecossitema blockchain e conhecer pessoas com projetos web3.
Tiago Leandro
Ajudo startups e DAOS com mentoria, programas de aceleração e acesso a capital.
Netwoo Free
Tiago Leandro
Ajudo startups e DAOS com mentoria, programas de aceleração e acesso a capital.
Theera Peña
Fazer networking e conhecer o ecossistema de blockchain do RJ
Netwoo Free
Meet new protocols
Evaldo Felipe
Conhecer a comunidade BR de blockchain, pois já trabalho a alguns anos na área, mas não tenho contatos aqui.
Netwoo Free
Evaldo Felipe
Conhecer a comunidade BR de blockchain, pois já trabalho a alguns anos mas não tenho contatos aqui
Theera Peña
Fazer networking e conhecer o ecossistema de blockchain do RJ
Edit Network
Config Esquenta Web Summit

18 Members
2 Goals
0 Matches
0 Interactions
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Config Silicon Drinkabout

7 Members
0 Goals
0 Matches
0 Interactions
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Config Accelerated

51 Members
11 Goals
1 Matches
1 Interactions
Member request
Lucas Santos
Tiago Leandro
Ajudo startups e DAOS com mentoria, programas de aceleração e acesso a capital.
Edit Network
Config Swisstech

41 Members
10 Goals
10 Matches
3 Interactions
Member request
Vitor Marcondes
Immo Oliver Paul
Create a bridge between Swiss companies (tech & startups) and the Brazilian market and identify opportunities where I can be useful as a "tropicalized" Swiss with two decades of experience in this market.
Member request
Vitor Marcondes
Vitor Marcondes
I’m looking for companies that i identify with, make networking and possibly work as a software engineer.
Netwoo Free
Leonardo Filardi
Connect to innovation leaders in big companies
Fabiana Sanchez
Member request
Marina Almeida
Fabiana Sanchez
Olá! Sou Fabiana e procuro conexão com profissionais do ecossistema de inovação aberta para trocar conhecimento sobre oportunidades e desafios nas soluções de sustentabilidade e agfoodtechs.
Member request
Immo Oliver Paul
Tiago Leandro
Ajudo startups e DAOS com mentoria, conexões, programas de aceleração e acesso a capital.
Member request
Tiago Leandro
Vincent Neumann
I am looking to meet investors and companies that are interested in being connected to the Swiss innovation ecosystem, especially to Swiss startups.
Member request
Tiago Leandro
Fabiana Sanchez
Olá! Sou Fabiana e procuro conexão com profissionais do ecossistema de inovação aberta para trocar conhecimento sobre oportunidades e desafios nas soluções de sustentabilidade e agfoodtechs.
Member request
Augusto Terra
Tiago Leandro
Ajudo startups e DAOS com mentoria, conexões, programas de aceleração e acesso a capital.
Member request
Augusto Terra
Fabiana Sanchez
Olá! Sou Fabiana e procuro conexão com profissionais do ecossistema de inovação aberta para trocar conhecimento sobre oportunidades e desafios nas soluções de sustentabilidade e agfoodtechs.
Netwoo Free
Sofia Costa
Networking with entrepreneurs who are creating a startup
Tiago Leandro
Edit Network
Config Agenda Crypto

32 Members
4 Goals
0 Matches
0 Interactions
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Config Web Summit Brasil

84 Members
21 Goals
15 Matches
2 Interactions
Member request
Ananda Gonzalez
Alvaro Olivares
Connect with companies looking to have a better presence in the Latam web3 crypto space.
Netwoo Free
Leandro C
Networking with entrepreneurs and investors
Evandro Campod
Meet great people and discover amazing startups founders
Netwoo Free
Evandro Campod
Meet great people and discover amazing startups founders
Tiago Leandro
Netwoo Free
Marcia Golfieri
Networking with entrepreneurs who are creating a startup
Tiago Leandro
Netwoo Free
Guilherme Alves
Networking with entrepreneurs from Rio Websummit
Fabio Seixas
Netwoo Free
Fabio Seixas
Find potential clients for software development services, get to know people from other contries
Immo Oliver Paul
I believe that networking is key and that connecting ideas is the best way for all of us to move forward, as a society, a country, or as human beings. I am a Swiss executive and serial entrepreneur with more than 20 years in Latin America. Let's do business together.
Netwoo Premium
Mark Wormser
Networking with startups looking for funding or M&A
Yuri Gitahy
Raise venture capital for seed-stage portfolio startups
Netwoo Free
Ana Barcello
Networking with AI and Data Science professionals.
Antonio Cavalcanti
Share our knowhow on Artificial Intelligence as services provider and startup incubator. Open to schedule appointments during Web Summit Rio.
Netwoo Free
Alvaro Olivares
Connect with companies looking to have a better presence in the Latam web3 crypto space.
no profile
Netwoo Free
Julieine Nascimento
Networking with entrepreneurs who are creating a startup (or already have one)
Leandro C
Netwoo Free
Julieine Nascimento
Networking with entrepreneurs who are creating a startup (or already have one)
Karoline Previdi Olivieri
Netwoo Premium
Evandro Campod
Meet great people and discover amazing startups founders
Yuri Gitahy
Raise venture capital for seed-stage portfolio startups
Netwoo Premium
Yuri Gitahy
Raise venture capital for seed-stage portfolio startups
Geraldo Neto
Investors, networking
Member request
Yuri Gitahy
Fernando Suzuki
Crossing over innovation and executive education to create the leaders of the future. Is the MBA changing the DNA.
Netwoo Free
Ger connections on Healthcare and Diabetes fields
Eva Strandberg
Conhecer outros empreendedores na area Healthtech ou Seniortech ou Fintech. Conhecer pre-seed investors.
Edit Network
Config Circuito Startup

64 Members
12 Goals
4 Matches
2 Interactions
Netwoo Free
Immo Oliver Paul
Find co-founders in digital health, workflow automation, and computer vision. If you have a crazy idea in your mind, surprise me 😉
Eva Strandberg
Conhecer outros empreendedores na area Healthtech ou Seniortech ou Fintech. Conhecer pre-seed investors.
Netwoo Free
Leonardo Sousa de Freitas
Networking with policy makers for startups
Tiago Leandro
Member request
Roberto Alberieri
Tiago Leandro
Ajudo startups e DAOS com mentoria, programas de aceleração e acesso a capital.
Member request
Tiago Leandro
Fabricio Bernardelli
Ajudo Startups com Advisory, Captação de Investimento e Relacionamento com o Ecossistema.
Edit Network
Config Wecompany

4 Members
1 Goals
0 Matches
0 Interactions
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Config Health Business

34 Members
15 Goals
0 Matches
0 Interactions
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Config Blockchain Festival

265 Members
73 Goals
0 Matches
0 Interactions
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